OH CANADA: We Will Survive
1 hour ago
Public education, immigrant rights, and contempt of the bourgeoisie and their reactionary servants.
"If you disagree with somebody's point of view, they say you're racist," Hoang said.
Camouflaging racism
"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." - Henry Kissinger
Dead Monster
President Bush maintains that he is fighting a war against threats to the "values of civilised nations": terror, cruelty, barbarism and extremism. He asked his nation's interrogators to discover where these evils are hidden. They should congratulate themselves. They appear to have succeeded.
The Darkest Corner of the Mind
White supremecy on a big budget
Bolivarian Dreams
Jacobin: No Friend of Immigrants
Truthout: The Nonprofit Industrial Complex's Role in Imposing Neoliberalism on Public Education
CounterPunch: Crackdown on Skid Row