Allen: On board with ALEC
It’s general knowledge that Center for Education Reform (CER), and its CEO Jeanne Allen, are extremely right-wing. Sourcewatch documents their connection with American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
Allen: Funded by the fringe
Jeanne Allen’s CER is funded by reactionary extremist billionaires, here’s a a sampling of their fringe-right supporters:
- The Anschutz Foundation
- The Laura and John Arnold Foundation
- The Honorable and Mrs. Frank Baxter
- The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
- The Broad Foundation
- The Doris and Donald Fisher Fund
- The L & S Milken Family Foundation
- Mr. Whitney Tilson
- The Walton Family Foundation
Allen: Writing for the Fringe-Right
Jeanne Allen is a frequent contributor for reactionary publications like National Review. Additionally, she expressed enthusiastic support, in writing, for the policies of Donald J. Trump and his arch-reactionary Secretary of Education, religious extremist Betsy DeVos. Moreover, Allen was called out on Crooks and Liars for her full-throated support of DeVos’ segregationist policies.
Allen: Reactionary Republican
Jeanne Allen ran as the GOP candidate in 2010 for Maryland’s District 16 race for House of Delegates. She received funding from right-wing republicans like Jeb Bush, dark-money investors, and charter school profiteers. Jeanne Allen was Executive Director of the extreme-right Heritage Foundation’s “Town Hall.”
Brief history on how this meme came about. I recently tweeted about Allen in connection to an article I saw another activist post about her.
Right-wing extremist @JeanneAllen worried she comes off as an extremist in #EdReform exposé film https://t.co/2yaEb4ywSf h/t @DianeRavitch
— Robert D. Skeels 🎃 (@rdsathene) October 5, 2017
My tone not comporting, to steal from Professor Dylan Rodriguez, with the norms of "white civil society" caused some consternation with the reactionaries inhabiting #EdReform Twitter. Here are a few of the more notable responses:
Remember, it is always the *other* side that is "extremist." https://t.co/KLvBwGZNrN
— Neal McCluskey (@NealMcCluskey) October 5, 2017
K-12 #SchoolChoice w/money following the student is exactly as "extreme" as college choice with gov't Pell Grants following the student. https://t.co/QHxZzzaQY1
— Bob Bowdon (@BobBowdon) October 5, 2017
Definition of right wing=putting ed opportunity 4 kids ahead of adults? @HowardLFuller @citizenstewart did you know you were right-wing? https://t.co/imBkRAfcuj
— Jeanne Allen (@JeanneAllen) October 5, 2017
I'm a life long Dem. @JeanneAllen is a "right-wing"extremist because she stands up for low income children of color? Now I'm confused...
— Jeff Klaus (@JeffKlaus28) October 6, 2017