Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Billionaire extremists spent some $10-Million pushing banker Marshall Tuck. Resist! Vote teacher, VOTE Tom Torlakson!

Billionaire extremists spent some $10-Million pushing banker Marshall Tuck. Resist! Vote teacher, VOTE Tom Torlakson!

I'm shifting gears. For over a year I've been trying to get the truth about Marshall Tuck out into the public. Watching what he and his handlers have done here in Los Angeles was tantamount to witnessing murder. Again, and again.

However, none of us can compete with the billionaires. They've dropped so much money in this race, that it would be a miracle if they don't get their way. The amount our oppressors spend will exceed $10-million. We live in a one-dollar, one-vote system. Plutocracy works like that.

I'm tired. In fact, I'm exhausted. The amount of physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional energy expended on trying to prevent this travesty has worn me out. My studies at law school have suffered from me being too involved with researching, writing, and organizing. At the end of the day, I know I did everything I could do to resist Eli Broad and his fellow corporatists. In seven or eight years, when people say "whatever happened to public education," I won't look back and feel like I didn't do my part to save the system our rulers are bent on eliminating.

The next week or so are bound to be depressing for public school advocates, regardless of the outcome. That said, there's a lot to be done here locally.

  • We have to pass the Ethnic Studies resolution in LAUSD.
  • We have to organize a protest of the Walton Family Foundation funded Parent Revolution conference on November 15. Ironically this privatization conference is being held at a public college—LA Trade Tech, but I'm sure Ben Austin's fellow predatory University of Phoenix allies have their sights set on that too.
  • We have to work hard to re-elect Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) Bennett Kayser, who has fought for Ethnic Studies, language programs, and other things that social justice demands.

See you all in the trenches.


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