Don't let the wealthy buy this election! — Associated Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA)
From the November 3, 2014 issue of Update
Tom Torlakson, California's Superintendent of Public Instruction and AALA-supported candidate, needs your help to once again thwart the moneyed elite who unsuccessfully tried to defeat Monica Ratliff, Steve Zimmer, Bennett Kayser and Dr. George McKenna in LAUSD's recent Board of Education elections. Did you know that fewer than 25 ultra-wealthy individuals/entities are donating millions of dollars to Torlakson's opponent to buy California's top public education post in the November 4, 2014, California election?
You are the education "expert" and people respect school leaders. They want to know your opinion regarding who they should cast their vote for in the race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. They also want to know more about why you strongly support Tom Torlakson and not Marshall Tuck.
The stakes for public education this Election Day, November 4, 2014, are high. Here are some key points to share with your friends, colleagues, family members and casual acquaintances.
Facts about Marshall Tuck, Torlakson's opponent:
- Tuck claims firsthand experience of running "two school systems." He worked with one school for Green Dot that expanded to 10 schools, and then with 17 Partnership for LA Schools. Becoming Superintendent of Public Instruction in California means you oversee close to 10,000 schools.
- In his interview with the AALA PAC Steering Committee, Tuck hesitated in his support for employer-paid health benefits.
- Tuck promotes privatizing public schools with public funds. He served as Green Dot's Chief Operating Officer and CEO of former Mayor Villaraigosa's Partnership for LA Schools, both deemed failures by Diane Ravitch. He claims that during his tenure, the Mayor's Partnership for LA Schools had high student achievement which is contradicted by the data.
- Tuck is highly supportive of the Vergara Decision which dismantles seniority and tenure. He blames unions for the dismal conditions in schools, rather than placing the blame on inadequate funding. He told the AALA PAC Steering Committee that his first action, if elected, will be to pull out of the Vergara appeal.
Facts about Tom Torlakson:
- Torlakson knows how government can work to help students and communities. His service at all levels of government from city council member, county supervisor, assemblyman, senator and now our State Superintendent of Public Instruction gives him the insight and experience to support all students in our public schools.
- He campaigned up and down California in support of Proposition 30 to increase funding for public education. Without this funding we would still be in an economic recession and laying off thousands of employees.
- Torlakson is a teacher and coach and knows our urban schools well.
- Torlakson has provided $3 billion to reduce class size and counselor ratios by authoring the Quality Education Investment Act that provides monies to the state's most challenged schools.
- Torlakson authored Proposition 1A that generated $9 billion for school construction which will be matched by more money locally from voters to repair our schools and relieve overcrowded campuses.
- Torlakson championed money for Kindergarten Readiness.
- Torlakson gained state money to supplement federal meals money for poor students.
- Torlakson took action and set standards for Physical Education in schools.

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