Saturday, March 15, 2014

Why isn't Dr. John Fernandez our Superintendent?

Dr. John Fernandez (right) with 2013 LAUSD Disctrict 2 runner up Robert D. Skeels

Why isn't Dr. John Fernandez LAUSD's Superintendent? Top five reasons I'm saying this about our local East Los Angeles hero:

  1. Dr. John Fernandez has an authentic, earned doctoral degree from a real university — UCLA. Deasy bought his with SMMUSD's money from convicted felon Robert Felner.
  2. Dr. John Fernandez has over three decades teaching as a PUBLIC school teacher. Deasy never taught a day in public school, although he "taught" for two-some-odd years at a PRIVATE MILITARY school.
  3. Dr. John Fernandez has both theoretical and practical experience with Critical Pedagogy.
  4. Dr. John Fernandez is BILINGUAL and supports Ethnic Studies.
  5. Dr. John Fernandez is a decent human being without unconscionable ties to corporations and billionaire foundations.


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