Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Green Dot Corporation's first foray for Yolie Flores Aguilar's Charter Give Away

Keep the PUBLIC in public schoolsLAUSD Superintendent Ramon C. Cortines, at the behest of Green Dot Corporation and their billionaire benefactors, opened the first of their public relations meetings to dismantle public schools last night at Griffith Middle School. Attendees mentioned that while LAUSD officials feigned neutrality, they were clearly in support of LAUSD VP Flores Aguilar's Corporate Charter School Choice Resolution.

The very good news is that the vast majority of the 200 some odd parents and community members at the "Town Hall" were unequivocally against privatization. In fact, when Cortines mentioned the Chicago model, there were people able to point out the failure of Arne Duncan's tenure there. They were also astute enough to know holding community meetings, but then ignoring their input was Arne Duncan's modus operandi.

Here's an incredible account from one of the attendees:

parents and students were wearing red t-shirts that read: "Protect our schools and community. Students + Parents + Teachers = Education. Don't Privatize Education!" and carried hand-made signs with similar slogans.

Initial written reports include one by 4LAKids Report from the First of the Districtwide Community Meetings: RE - BOARD RESOLUTION ON PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE

We can be sure the LA Times will be writing gushing cult of Steve Barr pieces tomorrow in response to this town hall. Especially since the Beverly Hills Barrister Ben Austin, and his BFF&E Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa are sharing the stage for a few legs of the privatization dog and pony show over the next few days.

LAUSD Board Member Marguerite LaMotte is currently the only member committed to protecting our children and communities from the onslaught of privatization demonstrated through her firm and principled opposition to this terrible resolution. We need to convince Board members Tamar Galatzan, Steve Zimmer, and Nury Martinez not to sell our kids' futures to the highest bidder and lowest common denominator. Write, call, encourage others to write and call, and then write and call again. Tell LAUSD board members to VOTE NO on Vice President Yolie Flores Aguilar's Corporate Charter School Choice Resolution on August 25, 2009. We want public schools, not corporate schools!

* Photo Credit and © 2009: Jose del Barrio.


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