PAPEL has posted their class schedules at http://www.madrigalproductions.com/. Vista Hermosa Nature Park is just down the street from Belmont, in the Barrio Echo Parque/Historic Fillipinotown area. Please visit, volunteer, or donate supplies to this. Unlike Green Dot's astroturf "Parent Revolution," with millions pouring in from Broad and Gates to support their corporate agenda, PAPEL is a community grass roots endeavor.
Friends and supporters.
Thank you all very much for your messages of support and interest. We are about to embark on something historic, at least on a local level and against opposition forces that are still trying to figure out how to make things possible when everything seems unlikely. Without your support, even if it is through your good wishes and blessings, we could not be doing this.
And so, to look at the list of courses we were able to put together in less than 1 week, please visit my temporary website at:
There you will find a core list of courses that each student can to choose from and must commit to attending. Students in 8th - 12th grade are being asked to volunteer mentoring and tutoring our elementary school kids, as well as take any one of 3 courses on human, civil and women's rights courses, so that they can start participating in changing their community through political and social action. Their parents are also being asked, in exchange for this program, to volunteer a few hours per week or take a 'know-your-rights' course offered to understand their rights and that of their children.
Finally, ALL students must attend at least 3 seminars with special guests and speakers Friday mornings.
If you still want to participate, either as a volunteer or teacher, please contact me via email at clase@madrigalproductions.com or come by Vista Hermosa Nature Park at 100 N. Toluca Street. We will be at the top of the park overlooking the downtown LA landscape. If you can't participate at all but would like to donate water or fruit, even school supplies, bring them on by. Since this is a free program by teacher and parent volunteers, we'll glad take that off your hands.
Again, thank you all for all the love and support. On behalf of the People's Assembly for Popular Education & Liberation (PAPEL), we look forward to someday thanking you all in person.
Faithfully yours, in solidarity and struggle:
Martin Terrones,
Here is the description of PAPEL from their facebook page:
People's Assembly for Popular Education & Liberation (PAPEL) was created by human and education rights activists, teachers and parents to educate children abandoned by LAUSD, the City of Los Angeles, the State of California and the US government, resulting from the cuts to education. To accomplish this, PAPEL created a summer school program for all LAUSD students and parents wanting to learn something new, as well as for educators to teach anything they've always wanted to teach without any academic, cultural, artistic or social censorship.

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