The workers of Overhill Farms, American Apparel, Farmer Johns and others call on all immigrant and human rights organizations and supporters to DEMAND THAT OBAMA STOP THE RAMPANT I-9 AUDITS AND E-VERIFY! that is leading to mass firings. Rally every Tuesday at Overhill Farms 2727 E. Vernon Avenue, city of Vernon.
Los Trabajadores de Overhill Farms, American Apparel, Farmer Johns y otros llaman a todas las organizaciones de Derechos Humanos y Inmigrantes y gente de apoyo DEMANDAR QUE OBAMA PARE LAS RAMPANTES I-9 AUDITS y E-VERIFY! que esta llevando a despidos masivos. Protesta cada martes 4:00 PM en Overhill Farms 2727 E. Vernon Avenue, ciudad of Vernon.
Events To Support
Solidarity with Overhill Farms workers on Tuesday!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @ 4:00pm
March and Rally in Solidarity with Workers Receiving No Match Letters
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 4:00pm
Rally in Solidarity with Workers Receiving No Match Letters
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 2:00pm
for more information
(323) 602-3480 or immigrationcoalition@yahoo.com

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