Green Dot's Locke charter: Reality bites, and the press starts to get it Caroline Grannan looks at how the rosy relationship between neoliberal charter operator Green Dot and the media is starting to crack a little now that the figures from the hostile Locke take-over are now known. Steve Barr, Marco Petruzzi, and Ben Austin were boasting before the take over of Locke, that they would turn the school around in a matter of months. However, when they are given similar conditions to LAUSD without the ability to skim and cherry pick students they haven't produced 800 APIs, even with the millions from Broad and Gates. Instead of handing more money to these six figure salary types, we should be working to keep our schools public. It's time to support our students, parents, and UTLA instead of funneling our hard earned tax dollars into Steve Barr's lavish Silver Lake home.

Green Dot's Locke charter: Reality bites, and the press starts to get it
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