Hungry For A Better Education
Monday, June 1, 2009 from 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Leichty Middle School
650 S. Union, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Map:
Family Dinner - Join us for a potluck-style dinner in front of Leichty Middle School. Some hunger strikers will be breaking their fasts while others will begin theirs. Sign up to bring a dish by contacting Julie Van Winkle
There will be spoken word poetry (we're expecting Mark Gonzales!), a kids' craft table, traditional dances by the Danzantes, and a food drive - bring non-perishable food to donate to the local food bank!
We are not ready to have our students placed in ridiculously large classes and see teachers who have worked so hard be laid off or sent to other schools. To sympolize our refusal to abandon our schools, we will be camping out in front of the school after the event ends. Tents, toilet facilities and security will be provided. Please consider signing up for the community camp-out.

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