Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Corporate education reform privatizer Tamar Galatzan's greatest neoliberal hits at LAUSD

Although much was initially promised to gain buy-in to school choice campaigns, most teachers, parents and communities of color have not experienced greater participation within charter schools.—Professor Antonia Darder

Tamar Galatzan and John Deasy discussing Eli Broad's latest plans to profit from the privatization of of public education title=

Long a favorite of Coalition for School Reform extremists, like fringe right wing billionaire Philip Anschutz, Tamar Galatzan is running for the District 3 seat again. Her two terms on the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board of Education member are best summarized as a profitable bonanza for the lucrative charter school industry and the education technology sector. Bringing no substance to education debates, her vapid repetition of neoliberal corporate education reform platitudes speaks volumes to the disdain she holds forfamilies, working class people, and tax payers. Galatzan's religious crusade against anyone speaking out against John Deasy's multiple failures was epitomized by her rabid attacks on LAUSD Bond Oversight Committee watchdog Stuart McGruder. Here we gather tweets of her "greatest" neoliberal hits during her abject tenure at LAUSD. This post will be continually updated as new material becomes available.


  1. “I hated the community vote”

    - Tamar Galatzan,

  2. Thanks for posting that Mr. Petersen. It speaks volumes to Ms. Galatzan's politics, and her disdain for working class families.
