Revenue Hungry Charter School Executives Like Puc's Ref Rodriguez Use Money For Kids' Classrooms On Advertising!
Ref Rodriguez and his fellow well paid PUC executives squander tax payer money for advertising instead of the classroom. Rodriguez is wrong for LAUSD and wrong for our students! Because there's essentially no oversight or financial transparency for these privately managed corporate charter schools, there's a dearth of information on how they're spending our funds. Rodriguez's glossy, four-color ads could have paid for a lot of supplies for public school students. Bright Star Charter School Corporation also uses money for advertising instead for kids in the classroom. These revenue hungry charter chains also claim "waiting lists." If that's true, then why the need to advertise?
Stop corporate charter school greed, stop Ref Rodriguez!

1 comment:
John Deasy's corporate handout of taxpayer money to Pearson, Plc and Apple for #CCSS iPads wasn't the first time funds slated for schools were used inappropriately. The lucrative charter school industry has been doing it for years. Check out Ref Rodriguez's revenue hungry charter chain—PUC. They've been using the money that should be spent on kids' classrooms on advertising to build their market share. Ref Rodriguez is wrong for #LAUSD and wrong for our students.
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