Alex Johnson told KNBC's Conan Nolan that he would conduct himself on the LAUSD Board the same way he ran his campaign. In other words…

"Our community has never witnessed an outrageous smear campaign against a candidate such as the Alex Johnson Campaign is waging" (Congresswoman Maxine Waters)
"Johnson… is employing unconscionable smear tactics" (Larry Aubry, The Los Angeles Sentinel, 25 Jul 2014)
"nastiest smear campaign money can buy" (Betty Pleasant, CityWatch, 22 Jul 2014)
"suggests naivete about what it takes to significantly improve perpetually struggling schools" (Sandy Banks, LA Times, 25 Jul 2014)
"characterization also is misleading" (Howard Blume LA Times 3 Aug 2014)
"Alex Johnson… and the charter schools along with their billionaire puppet masters are really saying is we have to hurt the children to protect the children." (Celes King IV, CityWatch, 20 Dec 2013)
"scurrilous" (Jim Newton, LA Times, 27 Jul 2014)
"Alex Johnson… taken a page right of the Republican play book" (Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report News, 29 Jul 2014)
"There's a word to describe this type of dirty campaigning: SHAMEFUL!" (Danny J. Bakewell, Jr., The Los Angeles Sentinel, 24 Jul 2014)
"Alex Johnson and some of his backers has distracted attention" (Howard Blume LA Times 3 Aug 2014)
"wildly out of context" (Jim Newton, LA Times, 27 Jul 2014)
"smear by the Johnson camp" (Dianne Lawrence, The Neighborhood News Online, 3 Aug 2014)
"constant stream of mendaciousness and shameless from Alex Johnson" (Robert D. Skeels, solidaridad, 10 Aug 2014)

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