The irony is that Russo suggests we critics have been successful because WE are coordinating ourselves! And the "reformers" ought to do the same! We are seeing the most coordinated, sustained and systematic campaign ever mounted in public education. Once again, if you have not done so yet, watch the video in which Stand For Children CEO Jonah Edelman drops the veil and reveals exactly how his group coordinated with other non-profits, with the Chamber of Commerce and major newspapers in Illinois to gain clout. But Russo slyly suggests that somehow those of us crying foul are the ones doing the coordinating. I think there is a term in magic for this - misdirection. — Anthony Cody
Over the holiday break Beltway insider Alexander Russo launched a broadside against activists, community members, and educators standing up to the corporate education reform juggernaut. His piece,
Media: Reform Opponents Are Winning Online (For Now), was a heavy handed cheap shot in the guise of a compliment. In my new
Schools Matter essay entitled
The trouble with Alexander Russo I take on Russo's long career of servitude to power, and expose him for the neolibral shill he is.
Published 2012-01-16 on
Schools Matter, please read it there and share widely.

Schools Matter: The trouble with Alexander Russo
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