Mr. Wallace:
On numerous occasions you've asserted that charter-voucher school operations are completely transparent to both the communities they supposedly serve, and the taxpayers whose money they use to operate with. You've gone as far as to write an Op-Ed in the Los Angeles TImes making the highly specious claim that 990 tax forms contain all the information anyone would want to know. As recently as a few weeks ago you were on the Pat Morrison radio show claiming that charter-voucher schools are completely transparent and accountable. You further stated that all CCSA members are compliant with the Brown Act.
So imagine my complete astonishment when the Los Angeles Times' Jason Felch, whose bias and utter deference to your industry is legendary, said the following today:
Jason Felch: As for Charter schools, its not quite so simple. They collect the data, but often do not provide it reliably to the public school district. Because of this, we were unable to amass enough data to analyze their results.
My question is, for all your bombastic bluster about charter-voucher school accountability and transparency, how do you reconcile the above Felch quote to the distorted reality you present?
Robert D. Skeels

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