LOS ANGELES – Former vice-presidential candidate Peter Camejo – who has announced he will run for Governor – will hold a major news conference Thursday to comment on the pending eviction of 350 families who have been sustaining themselves for 13 years on a 14-acre South Central community farm, the largest U.S. urban farm.
The news conference is set for 10 a.m. Thursday at the South Central Community Farm (Alameda & 41st St.).
Camejo is expected to strongly defend the rights of the community farmers, and publicly urge Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to intervene to protect the interests of the community against for his decision to give in to big developer Ralph Horowitz at the expense of those most in need in South Central.
The city allowed the South LA community to develop this land into a productive farm in 1992. The city secretly decided to sell it to developer Ralph Horowitz for about $5 million dollars in a back-room deal without public hearings. Horowitz is now demanding $16 million from the 350 families.
The farmers were to be evicted March 6, but have vowed to remain and even risk arrest.
For more information: www.southcentralfarmers.com
Contact: Randy Childs 310/869-6321 or Cres Vellucci 916/996-9170

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