Tuesday, March 07, 2017

How our household voted March 7, 2017


H — yes | Despite the fact that the reactionaries at the billionaire funded United Way of Greater Los Angeles supported it.
Mayor — Frantz Pierre | Some activists suggested Schawartz, but his mailers indicated he was a Clinton-Obama neoliberal. When respected Green Party CD34 Candidate Kenneth Mejia endorsed Pierre, that’s all we needed.
City Attorney — BLANK | Mike Feuer supported the racist Echo Parque gang injunction to help speed gentrification and line developer pockets. We don’t vote for racists.
Controller — BLANK | Ron Galperin could have used his position to expose all of the scandals in the charter school industry that steal money from public school students. He did not.
City Council — Jessica Salans | She’s endorsed by the Green Party, and has seemingly good politics. In 2013 I endorsed, we contributed, and we voted for Mitch O’Farrell, whom we thought leaned left, or at least center. However, O’Farrell supported the racist Echo Parque gang injunction to help speed gentrification and line developer pockets. We don’t vote for racists.
M — BLANK | We don’t smoke weed. Our stance is this is an issue for the stoners to decide for themselves.
N — BLANK | See explanation for M supra.
P— BLANK | We didn’t have sufficient time to formulate a position on this.
S — YES | Highly respected activists in communities most impacted are supporting this, including Damien Goodmon and Ron Gochez. This city is run by insatiably greedy developers, and while S isn’t the solution, it might give us enough time to organize a real response to the “genocide by gentrification” occurring at breakneck speeds. After watching what happened in my zip code, we embrace any resistance, even this imperfect kind, against the onslaught of unchecked development.
CC Trustees — Steven Veres, Dallas Fowler, and Dr. Gabriel Buelna | An activist we trust on these issues provided these picks.
LAUSD D2 — | Toss up between Carl Petersen and Lisa Alva. This was tough because both candidates have their pros and cons. Either Petersen or Alva are exponentially better than right-wing school privatizer Garcia. In the end we went with the candidate endorsed by Associated Administrators of Los Angeles. We can only hope that extremist Garcia and her vile Betsy DeVos agenda is defeated.

Remember that in Congressional District 34 we have a special election on April 4, 2017. Be sure to vote…

Kenneth Mejia for Congress!
