Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Suggest menu items for racist restaurant owner Pete!

“In order to raise it above history, the nation is given the support of the race. History is viewed as the emanation of the race.” — Leon Trotsky

Suggest menu items for racist restaurant owner Pete!

I am soliciting take out menu items for my parody of the racist restaurant chain. Feel free to contact me with menu item names and brief descriptions of what the dish contains. I have plenty of space remaining on the menu, and am sure that others can come up with more clever ones than I did.

The real life Pete Turner, owner of the restaurant chain with a hopelessly racist name, has refused to address genuine concerns that his ill conceived moniker fuels nativism and hatred. Dehumanizing others as means to market one's business is deplorable in the extreme.

As we see with the entire field of GOP presidential hopefuls, as well as with right-wing Democrats like Hillary Clinton, cashing in on fears by blaming immigrants for the economic crimes of our own 1% is a popular political tactic.

While mocking bigots like Turner provides some amusement, I suggest you join me in signing the M.E.Ch.A petition demanding the restaurant change its racist name.