Sunday, October 29, 2006

Quick Items

Union Sundown: The Corporate Elite Takes Off its Mask Chris Floyd discusses transnational corporate anger at the Chinese government's announcement to crack down on sweatshops and allow some unionization.

Conn Hallinan's Hunting Hugo discusses the administration's increasing efforts to depose Chavez.

Bush Moves Toward Martial Law

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mixed Bag

Sam-bo-il-bae support Korean farmers from being displaced by the imperial war machine!

What happens when you are executed by electrocution? nothing cruel or unusual about that?

Supremacists' Anti-Immigrant Outreach Strategies

Joe Turner's Save Our State organization and their sister organization at Laguna Beach
Sugg's piece exposes the secret life of many MMP/SOS members and sympathizers. Quotes on supremacist tactics for working with partners like Gilchrist, Turner et al"

His most vitriolic comments were reserved for Hispanics, the new punching bags of the far right. "They breed like rats, worse than niggers, and send their money back to Mexico," Griffin roared. "Only thing I got for them is a bullet right between the eyes. Ship their dead butts back to Mexico."

Chris James, a delegate from White Revolution, also picked up on the anti-immigrant theme. He preached that racists could attract converts by finding "common ground" with the general public on issues such as illegal immigration. "Think racially and act locally," he urged.

When Minutemen and Save Our State make their specious claims about not being racists, understand that the quotes above are ideas the type that many of their membership subscribe to. Note too, that Aryan Nations members staffed Gilchist's congressional campaign office. The convention described in linked article is what AN believes in.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

When the Gringos Go Down South

Mike Davis' piece reveals another side of the border crossing debate. Not mentioned is the flood of anglo geriatrics heading south for cheap prescriptions.

Real Terrorism

With all the reactionary rationals of 'fighting terrorism' to support thier murderous policies overseas and repressive actions domestically, we might want to look at what real and tangible terrorism really is and how it seems to escape their 'talking points.' Firstly, we still have the outstanding issue of Luis Posada Carriles. Not a suspected, or even in Bush-think, a remotely connected with terrorism--but a confessed (and boastful) murderer and terrorist. Well loved by the U.S. ruling class for commiting his atrocities against other brown people, he is holed up in Bush's adopted state of Texas. Note that none of the white supremacist 'border vigilantes' like the MMP or SOS made a peep when Carriles entered the country without papers. So much for the racists' weak claim that they are enforcing the law. SW had a good article last month entitled Will the U.S. free a right-wing terrorist?.

The principled left have always maintained that the real threat of terrorism is some of the oldest right wing groups at home, including old standbys like the Klan. Despite the efforts of the reactionary media to paint Muslims as persons prone to violence, the most dangerous persons typically are white supremacists and U.S. militia types. When UK tech site "The Register" published an article about Sen. Kyl's right wing propaganda proclaiming neo-con vigilance in stopping terror, it was no surprise that topping the list was a white supremacist and several militia members. When the liberal left tells us to ignore racist groups like the Minutemen Project and Save Our State, we have good reason to point out that they are proto-fascist, nascent terrorist groups and must be stopped at any cost.

PS: I had just finished this and noticed Orcinus had a like-minded post

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Outrage as Misdirection

Ruling class hypocrisy aside, this is the real context in which to view the Foley scandal.