Friday, June 19, 2015

SKrashen: Stop the Summer Slide by Investing in Libraries

SKrashen: Stop the Summer Slide by Investing in Libraries

Sent to US News and World Report, June 18, 2015 There is an obvious, inexpensive and very effective way to deal with summer learning loss not mentioned in "Stop the Summer Slide" (June 16, Knowledge Bank): Provide more access to interesting reading material. 

Research tells us that those living in poverty have the least access to books and also show the most summer loss, and that those who read more over the summer make better gains in reading achievement.

Let's invest in libraries filled with books and other kinds of material that students will read, as well as librarians who will help children find what is right for them. We are living in a golden age of literature for young people; let's take advantage of it.

Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus
University of Southern California

Original article:


Poverty and access to books:

Neuman, S. and Celino, D. 2001. Access to print in low-income and middle-income communities. Reading Research Quarterly 36(1): 8-26.

Summer loss and poverty, more reading and gains:

Allington, R. and McGill-Franzen, Anne. 2012. Summer Reading: Closing the Rich/Poor Reading Achievement Gap. New York: Teachers College Press.
Heyns, Barbara. 1975.  Summer Learning and the Effect of School. New York: Academic Press.
Kim, Jimmy. 2003. Summer reading and the ethnic achievement gap, Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 9, no. 2:169-188.
Shin, Fay. and Krashen, Stephen. 2007. Summer Reading: Program and Evidence. New York: Allyn and Bacon. (Available for free download at


Monday, June 15, 2015

Is Social Justice Law School for you?

Is Social Justice Law School for you?

Ever consider wielding our oppressors’ weapons against them?

If you’re a social justice minded person in Los Angeles, with at least two years of college credit, consider Peoples College of Law (PCL). PCL offers a four-year evening Juris Doctor program to accommodate working students. Successful completion of the Juris Doctor (J.D.) program provides qualification to sit for the California State Bar exam. From their site:

Our recruitment and admissions policies are strongly directed toward socio-politically conscious Native American, Asian Pacific Islander, African-American/Black and Latina/o students. Our goal is to have a student body that is at least half women and two/thirds Third World People. Peoples College of Law affirmatively recruits LGBT applicants.


Tuesday, June 09, 2015

K-12NN Wire: Was Refugio “Ref” Rodriguez self-dealing and running front groups?

First published June 4, 2015 on K-12 News Network

Currently under investigation by a number of authorities, including the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Office of Inspector General and the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Charter industry mogul Refugio "Ref" Rodriguez's innumerable front groups are hard to keep track of. The following articles should help contextualize the situation, and the tweets and documents following are from various parent and community activist sources.

Ref Rodriguez's Partners for Developing Futures, Inc. front group reported to IRS by Robert D. Skeels

Ref Rodriguez, under investigation for Better 4 U Meals scandal, Form 700 reveals stake in Better 4 U Fundr... by Robert D. Skeels


More Ref Rodriguez self-dealing PDF/PUC Contract by Robert D. Skeels

CCSA's Ref Rodriguez's PUC Lakeview Charter Academy Audit by Robert D. Skeels
