Sunday, December 25, 2011

Social Justice Schools Conference by CEJ and PEAC February 2012

CMO Corporate Charters discriminate against SWD, Special Ed, and ELL students! Support CEJ in its struggles for educational justice!
What does real school transformation look like? How will we win? Real transformation is rooted in the communities that schools serve, respect the rights of all school employees, and is fully funded.

February 10 & February 11, 2012
Fri: 4:30 to 7:00pm
Sat: 8:30 to 5:00pm
UCLA Community School
700 S. Mariposa Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90005

RSVP: or (909) 753-9007 ASAP
Childcare, Food, and Translation Provided Both Days

Conference Presented Jointly by
Coalition for Educational Justice and Progressive Educators for Action

Keynote Speakers
Bill Fletcher
Labor/civil rights leader and author Bill Fletcher will speak to the attacks on the public sector, the need to project an alternative social vision, and the critical need for an organizing strategy (he is co-author, with Fernando Gapasin, of Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and New Pathways Towards Social Justice).

John Rogers
John Rogers from UCLA IDEA (Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access), will speak on a panel with student, parent, and teacher leaders on real, community and labor led reform models in schools, including a community schools model, and the difficulty of implementing reform within a climate of unrelenting attacks against our communities.

There will also be over ten workshops led by students, parents, and teachers that demonstrate the work currently being done in our schools that are signs of real community-driven, democratic, culturally relevant, and transformative practices. These include (along with others):

  • Balanced Literacy
  • Dual Language Programs
  • Alternative Teacher Evaluation System
  • Problem-Based, Community-Connected Instruction
  • Restorative Justice/Alternative Discipline

20120210 CEJ PEAC Social Justice Schools Conference

Thursday, December 22, 2011

United Way' Elise Buik's Myopic One Percent Policies

First published on

"By what logic does United Way engage in an activity that is shunned by all the other charities?"—Professor Ralph E. Shaffer

Occupy United Way! Group founded and manifesto publishedUnited Way of Greater Los Angeles' CEO Elise Buik's total compensation in 2010 was $286,985. Entering that figure on provides the following insights:

  • You're in the TOP 0.001% richest people in the world!
  • You are the 107,565 richest person in the world!

With that in mind, is it any wonder that United Way of Greater Los Angeles' policies to help the homeless consist of criminalization and marginalization? Buik works with the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce to find homeless "solutions" that are wildly popular with downtown developers gentrifying everything in sight.

Is it any wonder that Buik personally argued to kill the PSC parent and community vote? Advocates privatized charter-voucher schools at every opportunity? Laundered Gates Foundation money to pay for the discredited NCTQ LAUSD report? Co-founded the right-wing Don't Hold Us Back Coalition to attempt and dictate terms to UTLA in the midst of labor contract negotiations? Is it any wonder that the Don't Hold Us Back Coalition hasn't uttered a single word about trying to save School Readiness Language Development Program (SRLDP), Adult Education, and Busing in LAUSD, but wants the district to spend more to give public schools away to private corporations?

No, it's no wonder at all.

A campaign to divest and discontinue all donations to the United Way is a must. Join Occupy United Way and OccupyLAUSD to fight for social justice!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Coalition for Educational Justice (CEJ) Annual Fundraiser Party December 10, 2011

UCLA Community School ASGE multi-purpose room
3201 W. 8th St. Los Angeles, CA 90005
Saturday, December 10, 2011 from 6:00 — 10:00 PM


CMO Corporate Charters discriminate against SWD, Special Ed, and ELL students! Support CEJ in its struggles for educational justice!
C E J MASQUERADE fundraising party!
CEJ parents, students and teachers invite you to our annual end of the year party. Please come celebrate a successful year with us.
Dinner, child care, games, performances, translation and DJ/dancing
Teachers and other professionals - $25 donation
Students, Parents and Community Members - $5 donation

C J E ¡MASCARADA! Fiesta para recaudar fondos
Padres, alumnos y maestros de CJE les invitan a nuestra fiesta anual del fin del año. Por favor vengan a celebrar un año de éxito con nosotros.
Cena, cuidado de niños, juegos, representaciones, traducción y DJ/bailar
maestros - donación $25
alumnos, padres y miembros de la comunidad - donación $5