The General Who Called Out the Devil
Federal Anti-Commie Education Bill
2 hours ago
Public education, immigrant rights, and contempt of the bourgeoisie and their reactionary servants.
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Mixed Bag
His most vitriolic comments were reserved for Hispanics, the new punching bags of the far right. "They breed like rats, worse than niggers, and send their money back to Mexico," Griffin roared. "Only thing I got for them is a bullet right between the eyes. Ship their dead butts back to Mexico."
Chris James, a delegate from White Revolution, also picked up on the anti-immigrant theme. He preached that racists could attract converts by finding "common ground" with the general public on issues such as illegal immigration. "Think racially and act locally," he urged.
Supremacists' Anti-Immigrant Outreach Strategies
Real Terrorism
Mixed Bag
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