Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Todd Chretien for Senate!

Todd Chretien is running against warmonger Dianne Feinstein. Quotes like the following show why everyone in California needs to vote for him:

Condemning "both sides" in the Middle East is just like condemning "both sides" in the American Civil War.

August 12 Protest

Los Angeles, California -- Over 1,000 people demonstrated against Israel's ongoing campaign of murder in Lebanon and Gaza on Saturday August 12. A pair of huge (tennis court sized) flags, one Lebanese, on Palestinian, were born along the route. The Downtown march ended in front of the Federal Building and saw protesters chanting a range of slogans including: "From Beirut to Jenin, stop the Israeli war machine," and "Bush!, Olmert!, how many kids did you kill today?"Free Lebanon and Palestine

Reflecting Los Angeles' multi-ethnic composition, the demonstration saw turnout from a range of anti-war and progressive organizations, as well as Arab American organizations and local Mosques being well represented. A group of young Muslim students had travelled from Corona. When asked what they thought of the protest, one of the Hijab clad students remarked "This is so important to protest the killing. We have to stop the killing." She went on to explain she was happy to see broad support for Lebanon.

Speakers pointed out the direct ties between the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Israeli assaults on Gaza and Lebanon. Many expressed outrage at the billions of dollars in U.S. aid and armaments, and called on an unified anti-war movement doesn't shirk at addressing Palestine. Many people were discussing organizing independently from the two pro-war parties. The fact that Los Angeles' Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, didn't attend wasn't lost on protesters. That the "liberal darling," had found time to show his strong support for Israel's war along with Governor Schwarzenegger late last month further proved to people that an end to wars for oil and empire won't be found by supporting the Democratic Party.